
Gut Health Bundle

Embark on a holistic journey towards optimal gut health with our curated Gut Health Bundle. This package is specifically designed for individuals who seek to detoxify their digestive system, rebalance gut flora, and promote overall digestive wellness. Here’s what’s included:

  • 3 Times a Day Supplements:
    • Cloves: A potent spice with myriad health benefits, cloves have been traditionally used to kill intestinal parasites and combat fungal infections. They play a pivotal role in supporting a healthy gut environment.
    • Mugwort: Beyond its dream-enhancing properties, mugwort can also stimulate the production of gastric juice, which can be beneficial for digestion. It’s known to have a soothing effect on the digestive tract.
    • Wormwood: This herb has been used throughout history for its ability to combat harmful organisms in the gut. Its bitter compounds can aid in digestion and promote healthy digestive function.
    • Cascara Sagrada: Known as the “sacred bark”, cascara sagrada is a renowned natural laxative. It aids in detoxification by promoting bowel movements, making it a valuable component of this gut health regimen.
  • Dietary Guidelines:
    • During the detox phase with this bundle, it is essential to consume only fruits. The natural sugars and fibers in fruits can support detoxification processes and ensure a smooth digestive experience.
    • Refrain from consuming meats during the detox. Meats can be harder to digest, and avoiding them can give your digestive system a much-needed break.
  • Free Small Tea Ball: Make your herbal infusions effortlessly with the included tea ball. It’s the ideal companion for brewing your gut-health-supporting teas without any mess.

This Gut Health Bundle offers a comprehensive approach to digestive wellness. With its combination of potent herbs and dietary recommendations, it’s designed to cleanse, refresh, and rejuvenate your digestive system.

For the visual representation, you might consider using images that symbolize gut health: vibrant fruits, the herbs included in the bundle, and possibly visuals of a healthy digestive tract or a human silhouette with a focus on the stomach area. The imagery should convey a sense of purification, balance, and wellness.




This site provides information on herbs' traditional applications and qualities for educational purposes only, and it is not meant to be used as medical advice. Always see your doctor before self-administering the herbs if you have any major health issues.

The product has not been assessed by the FDA and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any illness. By using this product, you undertake full responsibility for any adverse events or health concerns that may occur as a result of its usage. The manufacturers/resellers accept no responsibility or liability for the use or abuse of this product.

The merchandise is packaged in a heat-sealed, re-sealable bag to ensure freshness and durability. Orders will be processed within 2 business days and shipped first class USPS.


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